Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year.
You won’t find snow-covered trees or freezing temperatures in Indonesia, but the holidays still have their charm.
Where do they have chicken feather Christmas trees?
What traditions do Indonesians have in common with the Dutch?
Discover how Christmas is celebrated in Indonesia.
When is Indonesian Christmas celebrated?
Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, but several million Christians also live here. This is also why Christmas in Indonesia is celebrated more than expected. Christmas holidays are most pronounced in urban areas with more diverse populations. December 25 is, of course, a public holiday.
During Christmas, the government lets the nation know that the country respects interfaith principles. The President, Vice President, and their wives regularly celebrate Christmas in one of the Christian communities they have chosen.
With the arrival of Christmas Day, there are also festivities. These festivals are primarily cultural and include traditional music performances, dance performances, and culinary stalls. Festivals always end with huge fireworks displays.
In Indonesian, Merry Christmas is said to be Selamat Hari Natal. Some Muslims may use the phrase Selamat Hari Kelahiran Isa Al-Masih, which refers to the name of Jesus in Arabic as written in the Qur’an.
How are Christmas holidays celebrated on other Asian islands? Christmas in the Philippines will surprise you in many ways.
Do you know Indonesian Christmas traditions?
The country has adopted some Western influences, including the Pohon Natal, or Christmas tree, and Santa Claus, who, influenced by the Dutch past, is usually called Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas are usually seen in big shopping malls in big cities like Jakarta.
In addition to the Western influence, Indonesians also put their twist on Christmas celebrations. For example, in Yogyakarta, there is a performance of the birth of Christ through shadow puppets or Wayang Kulit.
There is also a tradition called Rabo-Rabo. Residents of the northern part of Jakarta walk around the village playing Keroncong music with their friends and family. They also make white streaks on their faces using powder. It is a symbol of cleansing from sins. You may want to read more about the history of this tradition in Indonesia.
Christmas in Bali is celebrated with traditional Balinese clothing, erecting penjors, and bamboo street decorations similar to those used in Hindu holidays.
In Sumatra, the Batak tribe holds a marbinda . It is a celebration of eating together with family and neighbors. The celebration starts with buying a cow, buffalo, or pig, slaughtering them, and then cooking them together.
In Papua, there is a tradition of barapen, or the tradition of burning stones, to prepare vegetables and pork for a communal meal. The stone is burned over scraped wood until it catches fire. Tradition is a symbol of togetherness, gratitude, and mutual love.

What are the Indonesian Christmas symbols?
Since the beginning of December, Christmas decorations have appeared in shopping centers. Christmas trees are mostly artificial, but you can also meet live ones. Artificial snow is also a popular decoration.
Indonesians also like to make huge Christmas trees out of different things. The most common type of Christmas tree you would likely see is plastic. It’s also a way to recycle plastic and use it for something more useful.
The Javanese have their version of the Christmas tree. It is made of wood, paper, and other recyclable materials. Another particular type of Christmas tree is the chicken feather tree, made on the island of Bali. Fireworks are held in various cities.
Popular Christmas carols in Indonesia include Malam Kudus, the Indonesian version of Silent Night. This song is usually sung on Christmas Day in churches during the service.

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Who brings the children’s presents?
Indonesia does not have a Christmas gift-giving culture. As a result, most people do not expect a gift, and small gifts are often given only to children.
Sinterklaas, the Dutch Santa Claus, brings them as early as December 5, with his helper Zwarte Piet or Black Peter, who also allegedly punishes naughty children. This tradition is related to Indonesia being a Dutch colony for several centuries.
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What is eaten in Indonesia at Christmas?
Food is one of the most important aspects of culture. Each recipe generally reflects a given culture. The food served during Christmas is no exception. Traditional Christmas food varies from region to region in Indonesia, as the country consists of many islands and tribes.
One of the main courses is usually Chicken or Fish Rica-Rica. This Christmas dish is served with chili peppers, spicy spices, and rice, complemented by fried onions and cucumbers.
Jaha rice is made from glutinous rice and coconut milk, baked in bamboo stems covered with banana leaves. It is often served with ground game, beef, tuna, and curry.
Selat Solo is one of Indonesia’s traditional Christmas dishes, which originates from the city of Solo in Central Java and is popular in Yogyakarta, for example. It consists of beef, carrots, beans, lettuce, potato wedges, and a special sauce with spices.
Ikan Woku Belanga originates from Manado and has become one of Indonesia’s most popular dishes. It is prepared from fresh fish cooked in a Manada pan called belanga.
Many Indonesian Christmas dishes also have Dutch origins. Kaastengels are salty cheese-based crackers that almost resemble a cheese stick. Nastar is a sweet cookie with a pineapple inside, the word comes from two Dutch words ananas and taart.
Putri Salju are butter cookies dusted with icing sugar and cheese, and klappertaart is a cake made from coconut, flour, milk, butter and eggs.

What places to visit in Indonesia at Christmas?
Indonesia is made up of several thousand islands. Whichever of them you choose to spend your Christmas in Indonesia at, you’re in for an unforgettable experience.
- Jakarta – Opposite Jakarta’s largest mosque, Istiqlal, is the Neo-Gothic Jakarta Cathedral. Its location is not accidental, as it was planned by Indonesia’s first president, Soekarno. He wanted to create a nation where different religions could coexist in harmony. That is why these holy places are close to each other.

- Buntu Burake – Although Islam is the dominant religion on the island of Sulawesi, the famous statue of Jesus Christ’s blessing here is a unique symbol of harmony between different religions. The statue measures 40 meters from its base, making it the world’s second tallest statue of Jesus.