The Christmas story of the birth of Santa Claus is quite complex.
We all know what he looks like, and if we saw his magical flying sleigh with nine reindeer, we would know it’s him.
But where did this magical Christmas character come from? Come and discover the fascinating story of the birth of Santa Claus.
Saint Nicholas as the predecessor of Santa Claus
The history of Santa Claus dates back to 280 AD when a monk named St. Nicholas was born in Patara, present-day Turkey.
He lived an honorable and pious life and became the protagonist of many legends. As the legend goes, he sold his inherited property and lived on the road, helping poor and sick children.
He also became the patron saint of three poor sisters who were sold into slavery and prostitution by their father. He gave them a dowry so they could get married.
In addition to helping children, he also helped sailors.
In some European countries, people commemorate the day of his death – December 6th. Adults dress up as Mikulas, a devil, or an angel.
Sinter Class nickname
It took several centuries for word of Saint Nicholas to spread. It all started in 1773 when a New York newspaper published a report that Dutch families had gathered to commemorate Nicholas’s death. And it is precisely to St. Nicholas that the abbreviated nickname Sinter Class is connected. It was created by shortening the original Dutch version of Sint Niklaas.
However, famous personalities of their time, such as Washington Irving, were behind the strengthening of the story. He portrayed Sinter Classe as the patron saint of New York in his literary work.

Santa Claus as a commercial figure
In the 1820s, American newspapers began publishing advertisements for Christmas shopping, and in the 1940s, retailers even got a separate section. Images of Santa Claus began to appear there. In 1841, Philadelphia’s trade experienced a tremendous boom. Thousands of children came to visit the life-size model of Santa Claus present here.
In the early 1990s, the Salvation Army tried to raise money to pay for Christmas meals for people in need through the journey of the Santa Claus character. Therefore, they dressed the unemployed men in Santa costumes and then carried out the collection.
This collection became a tradition, and since then, the Salvation Army’s Santa disguise has been ringing the streets of America every year.
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The Episcopal minister Clement Clarke Moore described Saint Nicholas perfectly in his poem for his three daughters. An 1822 poem called The Night Before Christmas tells the story of Santa climbing up the chimney to fill the children’s socks that were still empty. Although some motifs were borrowed, he could describe Santa’s appearance and his reindeer sleigh with this poem.
It took little time for the artistic rendering of this poem, undertaken by the political cartoonist Thomas Nast. In 1881, the first authentic likeness of Santa Claus appeared as a grandfather with a white beard, a stocky figure, and a pleasant nature.
He was holding a bag full of toys and was dressed in red clothing. Nast first “dressed” Santa in that red outfit with white fur, as it is known today. In addition, he was responsible for creating an imaginary workshop at the North Pole, elves, but India’s wife.

Santa Claus has undoubtedly become a traditional Christmas character in American countries. Nevertheless, he is known all over the world. The story shows that Santa Claus is fictional, but several essential personalities participated in his creation. The most excellent thanks belong to St. Nicholas, who generously inspired the whole world. And why not make the children as happy as Saint Nicholas did back then?
The story of the ninth reindeer
Until 1939, Santa’s eight reindeer were sad because they were missing the main character, Rudolph, the reindeer. It was brought to life by department store copywriter Robert L. May. His story about Santa wandering in the fog, who could not find his way to the children, became popular.
The tiny but necessary ninth reindeer becomes Rudolph the reindeer, who, although he has a funny red nose, turns out to be the key to the rescue in the complete fog. His nose began to shine like a lamp and thus helped to find the way to the children.
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Santa in foreign guises
We indeed have a traditional Santa Claus; unlike Santa Claus, he is more imaginary. No one could agree on his exact form. He doesn’t walk through chimneys; he has no assistants, a workshop at the North Pole, and no wife. He doesn’t put presents in stockings, and our kids don’t leave him milk and cookies for his formula.
All over the world, children expect gifts and surprises from various fictional characters. In Great Britain, they look forward to Father Christmas; in Russia, to Santa Claus and Snow White; in Norway, to Julenissen (Christmas Elf); in France, to Father Christmas called Père Noël; and in Italy, to Babbo Natale or Gesú bambino.
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See how Christmas is celebrated in Russia.
Or would you like to delve into history? Discover the origins of Christmas .